Product Description
“I’m deeply concerned as a parent and as a doctor that the obstacles this generation of young people face are unprecedented and uniquely hard to navigate and the impact that’s having on their mental health is devastating,”
Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General
“Becoming a Bridge Over Troubled Waters:” Dialogue skills training for parents of teenagers and young adults at risk
This workshop is an ONLINE, state-of-the-art 8-week series for parents of teenagers and young adults dealing with mental health problems.
Tuesdays, 5 PM – 7 PM Eastern Standard Time, starting July 12, 2022.
These unprecedented times require a new approach to parenting, especially parent-child communication. Informed by workshop leaders’ global expertise, this series will provide an in-depth introduction to what we know really helps young people at risk. In particular, we mean the art and skill of attuned, reciprocal, face-to-face human interaction–or genuine dialogue that builds trust and connection.
Parents will learn the core skills of dialogue that can truly transform, including how to listen deeply and respond in a way that your child feels heard.
The group will also foster a supportive atmosphere for parents who often otherwise find themselves deeply isolated and uncertain. The topics explored include sustaining hope, making meaning, healthy boundaries, reducing guilt and blame, and the effects of relational trauma and social defeat.
The aim of the workshop will be to enlarge parents’ coping strategies, promote their ability to find solutions and revive optimism about the future.
This course is socio-educational and nonclinical. Parents are encouraged to have clinical services in their communities as needed. The workshop will help you identify what to look for in identifying such services.
Tuition for eight 2-hour sessions: $825.00 for Individual, $1,650.00 for Couple.
Or mail a check for $800.00 for Individual, $1,600.00 for Couple, to:
Mary Olson, PhD
24 West Main St. Suite 360
Clinton, CT. 06413
If you are paying by check, please make sure to send a message letting us know you wish to register. Checks must be received by July 10, 2022.
Participants must enroll in the full series: July 12 – August 30.
About the Workshop Leaders:
Mary Olson PhD is a family therapist, Fulbright scholar, and faculty member of the Yale School of Medicine.
Nazlim Hagmann, MD, MPH is a psychiatrist in private practice in New York and pioneer of recovery-oriented, community psychiatry.
Both Drs. Olson and Hagmann are internationally recognized practitioners with decades of experience treating the spectrum of mental health problems presented by young people and their families. In particular, they are known for training therapists in mental health advances from Finland and Norway, particularly the Open Dialogue approach and reflecting process work. Now they plan to teach these same human skills and values directly to parents.